It is hard to write about oneself. I'm still on the process of discovering who I am.
After buying my first home in 2014, I realized that REAL ESTATE was my call. I really enjoyed the process of putting together all the puzzle parts to make "The American Dream" happen.
In 2015 I obtained my Real Estate Sales License and signed up with a local boutique broker: "CASTELLI REAL ESTATE SERVICES".
I was borned in Lima, PERU in a middle class family.
After graduating from a priest school (Claretiano) at the age of 15; I wasn't sure what my call in life was. My parents advised me to enroll in 2 different careers at the same time, so I could decide what to pursue. I went to school to University of Saint Martin de Porres and graduated from Dental School as a Doctor of Dental Surgery in 1998. And also to UNMSM (The oldest University in the Americas) and got a bachelor in Peruvian Law and Political Sciences graduating in 1999.
After graduating, I open a dental practice in Lima for about a year and a half before I decided to relocate to the United States of America in 2000.
I started working as a dental assistant in New York City in 2002 while getting my transcrips evaluated and tranferred to USA. In 2004 I obtain the Dental Hygiene License in the State of Florida at Nova University; and relocated to Miami. I worked as a Dental Hygienist since then.
In 2004, I also met Ron B. Wilson Jr. and discovered a new passion in Photography. I started assisting him in wedding photography assignments and pretty much self teaching about Technical, lighting and Composition topics.
In 2007, Ron and I founded Ron B. Wilson Photography, Inc.; while my focus was mainly the business part of Photography, since I had a background in Law. I tried to put my hands on as many challenges as I can. I was fortunate enough to meet a great accountant on the way (Kathy Baker) who taught me a lot about bookeeping and business issues. This experience though me a lot about marketing, web design, blogging and of course photography.
In 2010, after a long process I became a US Citizen, curiously my Citizenship ceremony was the same day as the Peruvian Independence day (July 28th); and decided to take things a little more serious and focus a little more on career goals.
I was always on the search of a career path that would allow me flexibility and also social interaction.